General Grant Guidelines
Established in 1997, the Tuscola County Community Foundation is a non-profit corporation dedicated to improving the quality of life in Tuscola County. The foundation accepts and administers gifts from donors of all types. The principal of these gifts remains intact forever, with only the income used for grants. Through the granting process, the Tuscola County Community Foundation addresses the area’s needs and supports promising opportunities.
The Tuscola County Community Foundation emphasizes projects that are:
- Innovative
- Present opportunities to leverage other local funds raised by an organization
- Yield substantial local benefits for the community resources invested
- Facilitate cooperation and collaboration between organizations
- Create potential to continue after the grant period
When making grants, the Tuscola County Community Foundation’s Grant Committee and Board of Trustees are guided by the following general policies:
- Grants are made only to 501 (c) (3) organizations or other tax-exempt organizations benefiting the citizens and communities of Tuscola County.
- Grants are made for a wide variety of charitable, community, scientific, literary, educational and cultural programs.
- Grants are not made for operating budgets, previously incurred debt, endowment campaigns or fundraising activities.
- Lower priority is given to requests for travel for groups such as school classes, clubs or sports teams.
- Grants are generally made for one year.
- Proposals for hospitals, schools, childcare services, nursing/retirement facilities, computers, motorized vehicles and tax-supported community services are considered when they are the type of project emphasized by the foundation fund(s), demonstrate substantial impact or address the needs of a significant or underserved portion of the community.
- Grants are not made to churches for sectarian religious programs.
Grant Applications
Grant Cycles
Spring Grant Cycle:
Postmarked by March 1
Fall Grant Cycle:
Postmarked by October 1
NOTE: Request amount must be rounded to whole dollar amount – no cents!
Please Note:
The TCCF Grant Application is used for all funds except:
- Future Youth Involvement (FYI) Fund
- FYI Mini-Grant
- Founders Fund Grant
- Emergency Needs Fund Grant
Send to:
Tuscola County Community Foundation
PO Box 534
Caro, MI 48723
The Tuscola County Community Foundation operates without discrimination as to age, race, religion, sex, handicap, sexual orientation or national origin in consideration of grant requests.
Founders Fund Grants
Questions? Call 989.673.8223 or email
Eligible applicants must be a 501 (c) (3) organization or other tax-exempt organization (e.g. local unit of government) whose programs enhance the quality of life of Tuscola County residents. Project grants are limited to $600, with a rolling date of ongoing acceptance, until the funds available are used up for the year.
The Founders Fund Grant is intended for innovative and/or start-up projects often associated with a grass roots or smaller non-profit organization. For larger projects, use the regular TCCF grant application process. Repeat applicants will be considered, although new project applications may receive preferential consideration.
Emergency Needs Fund
Questions? Call 989.673.8223 or email
Eligible applicants must be a 501 (c) (3) organization or other tax-exempt organization (e.g. local unit of government). This Fund was established to support the emergent needs of the residents of Tuscola County. Priority emergent needs are defined as food, clothing and shelter, and applicants addressing those needs will be given preferred consideration in grant decisions. Secondary needs include organizations considered ‘first responders’ during community crises. Tertiary needs would include organizations providing other services during times of emergency not identified above.