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Founders Fund Grant Announced, Millington-Arbela Historical Society
John Hunter, Executive Director of the Tuscola County Community Foundation, is pleased to announce the TCCF has granted a $500 Founders Fund grant to the Millington-Arbela Historical Society. This grant was used in conjunction with other funds, to secure critical...
2020 Spring Grants Announced
Approximately $114,000 will be available to apply for during this upcoming spring grant cycle for eligible Tuscola County organizations. Applications are available under the Grant Application section on our Grants page. Please...
Founders Fund Impact Grants
The Tuscola County Community Foundation (TCCF) announced they are offering a new program of impact grants to fund a wide variety of projects within Tuscola County. The project grant is limited up to $500 until the funds available are used up for the year. The Founders...
2019 TCCF Fall Grants Announced
The Tuscola County Community Foundation (TCCF) is offering grants to fund projects within Tuscola County. $ 101,000.00 will be available to apply for during this upcoming fall grant cycle for eligible Tuscola County organizations. Fall...
New Founders Fund Impact Grants Announced!
The Tuscola County Community Foundation (TCCF) announces they are offering a new program of impact grants to fund a wide variety of projects within Tuscola County. The project grant is limited up to $500 until the funds available for the year are...
June 2019 Thank You’s and Welcome’s!
Board of Trustee members Dee Harrington of Caro area, and Amy Peters of the Cass City area, were recognized for their 6 years of dedicated service as Board of Trustee members for the Tuscola County Community Foundation (TCCF). At the June 27, 2019 Annual...