Recent Grants Distributed

Recent Grants Distributed

Tuscola County SheriffCass City Police Undersheriff Robert Baxter accepted a check from The Tuscola County Community Foundations William A. and Ruth Janks Fund. This grant awarded the sheriff’s office two ballistic shields that the officer will have available while on...
2020 Fall Grants Awarded Total $93,432.00

2020 Fall Grants Awarded Total $93,432.00

Janks (Willam A. & Ruth) Fund Tuscola County Sheriff’s Office Purchase two (2) ballistic shields $4,607.00 Tuscola Technology Center Purchase track burner for welding program $2,346.00 Cass City Police Department In-car video system $3,148.00 Caro Area...
2020 TCCF Fall Grants Announced

2020 TCCF Fall Grants Announced

The Tuscola County Community Foundation (TCCF) is offering grants to fund projects within Tuscola County.  $101,500.00 will be available to apply for during this upcoming fall grant cycle for eligible Tuscola County organizations.  Applications are available...
2020 Fall Grants Awarded Total $93,432.00

Spring 2020 Grants Awarded Total $102,379.00

Janks (Willam A. & Ruth) Fund Tuscola Homeless CoalitionHousing assistance paid directly to landlords – prevent homelessness$2,500.00St. Christopher Parish Food PantryProvide emergency food to those in need on monthly basis$3,750.00Good Samaritan Fund of...